

Day 1: Enhance Your Canva Designs by Mastering Element Grouping and Effects

How We Will Go From Beginner To Intermediate Level Canva Designers

Getting Prepared

Before beginning any type of work, you must first have a basic knowledge. Make time to learn and train. To begin using Canva, make sure you have high-quality materials on hand. Familiarize yourself with the platform’s interface, tools, and relevant resources by visiting Canva’s official beginner’s guide.

Grouping Different Elements

Grouping Different Elements

You can learn how to organize your design by grouping elements together. If you want to group elements in canva,  You can choose the Canva elements you want grouped by dragging your cursor over them or holding down SHIFT key and clicking each element. 

Move your mouse to the upper left of the screen, then click on “Group”.” Hold the command “Ctrl” and then click the letter “G.”

Adding Multiple Effects To Design Elements

Adding Multiple Effects To Design Elements

You’ll be able to explore Canva’s effects options such as filters, shadows and highlights.  You can make Canva elements stand out by adding effects. You can apply any of the effects you want, such as shadows, outlines and 3D effects. To do so, You can open the Canva graphic that you want to modify. 

At the top right of the screen, click on the Effects tab. Choose the effect that you’d like to add in the dropdown menu, and press the Apply button.

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Designer & Content Writer
Princess Juan